Saturday, February 21, 2015

Actually What's In Electronic?

By on 8:00 PM

mindvalley4u - Popularity electronic getting evolved in the last few years. 'm a stooge 'electric' don't actually reduce the danger of cigarettes this kind of for one's health.

The New England Journal of Medicine recently published that electronic release formaldehyde. Substances that can be a cause of cancer (karsinogen) when heated with the battery set to high voltage.

On 28 January, the Department of Public Health California, united STATES, released a report that declared the electronic cigarette is a threat to the health and called for the regulation of her.

What is in there?

It's hard to answer questions about the contents of electronic. Yet the country is watching the cigarette industry. That means, no standard set.

The Label was also lays out the ingredients accurately, even one brand will be different with other brands.

The results of the research Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the U.S. against 18 electronic cigarettes different, found no poison and substances karsinogenik on some brands. All electronic generally dilabeli 'without the amount of nicotine', despite the fact that the carrying amount of nicotine.

Liquid electric

Fluid also known as e-juice this is the name of the fluid which is heated and converted into aerosols, then secretary of defense by the user electronic cigarettes.

Here is materials the most common:

1. Amount of nicotine
Materials adiktif in electronic cigarettes and regular cigarettes this menstimulasi central nervous system and increases blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate. “People smoke because of the amount of nicotine,“ ujar researchers and experts tobacco from the Roswell Park Cancer Institute Buffalo, Maciej Goniewicz.

“Even though adiktif, the actual amount of nicotine doesn't cause cancer. Things that need more attention namely substance else that is in the fluid,“ said Goniewicz.

2. Flavors

Goniewicz also explains, there are hundreds of flavor on the liquid cigarette elektik, like cherry, cheese cake, cinnamon, and tobacco. A lot of flavors this is also used on food.

“When we eat (of taste) safe, but we don't know what happens if we breathed in,“ bright side.

It's hard to mendata all chemicals flavors, but one was named 'diacetyl', commonly used to add flavor to popcorn. The substance that is associated with lung disease-lung deadly if the secretary of defense. A substance other taste like butter (butter), too dangerous, obviously a former member of the Committee Supervising the Scientific Tobacco Products from the FDA, Neal Benowitz.

3. Propylene glycol (PG)

 is a fluid made in the laboratory are considered safe in food, drugs, and cosmetics by the FDA. PG is also used in making smoke or fog made for the concert and show others. But the smoke can mengiritasi the lungs and eyes, as well as dangerous for people with lung disease-lung chronics, like asthma and emfisema.

4. Glyserin or gliserol
Is compound no smell and no color, but have a taste a little sweet. Like PG, the FDA looked at her safe. This chemical found in many products, including maknan and drugs, both in the recipe to whatever's on sale free.

Although the PG and gliserol safe in food and drugs, the effects to the body if the secretary of defense still unknown. “We don't know what happens if someone inhaling a substance is in a period of time long. Really not yet known,“ said Goniewicz.

The process of warming up

Substances toxic chemicals formed from the electric fluid is heated to form aerosols the secretary of defense by the user's electronic. Substances such including formaldehyde (karsinogen), acetaldehyde (the cause of karsinogen), and acrolein (formed from gliserol the heated, could damage the lungs and cause heart disease in smokers).

All three of them off in the number continues to rise along with the increase in temperature of the liquid electronic. Benowitz add, smokers can be tempting to continually increase the temperature.

 “Unfortunately, the hot fluid, the amount of nicotine will be more obtained. People who want to get the amount of nicotine berdosis big can use the battery voltage the battery is very high or the battery with a voltage that can be adapted,“ he said.

Goniewicz say that the flavors will cover up the taste shows up when the smoker heats cigarette elektriknya, until the formaldehyde is formed.

Tiny particles in the aerosol electronic cigarette can be dangerous. Benowitz revealed, this is definitely similar with the case of cigarette smoke and air pollution other cause damage to the blood vessels, peradangan, and the effects on the nervous system.

Aerosols from electronic to have the level of particulates equivalent with regular cigarettes. However, the research was not enough against electronic to prove a conclusion about the security of inhaling particles which are formed.

Metal toxic like lead, nickel, cadmium, lead, and mercury was found in the aerosol electronic cigarette. A research in the year 2013 prove that some metals like nickel happen at a concentration of 2 up to 100 times that of a cigarette.

So, is this cigarette is it safe? “It's all relative,“ ujar Benowitz. According to him, based on the research that exists at this moment, the actual electronic cigarette is more dangerous than regular cigarettes.

According to the Lung Association of America, cigarettes used to produce around 7000 substance when burned and a lot of of them poisonous. While the electronic cigarette is not so dangerous for passive smokers.

The user's electronic takes a little bit of what they suck, bright Benowitz. The tool they don't emit aerosols. Cigarettes, on the contrary, pollute the air and the lungs of others significantly.

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